Why else would you watch Jersey Shore, come to think of it?
This week was a rare treat for fans, as we got to see Snooki’s drunken arrest from this summer play out on TV. It was as epic as reports made it out to be.
As always, THG breaks down all the best
Jersey Shore quotes and scenes from last night’s installment of the MTV show in its patented +/- recap below:
Sam’s disdain for Snooki is surpassed by disdain for Ronnie. Man they suck. Minus 8. Watching these two argJersey Shore 3 Jersey Shore Season 3 Episode 3: Wheres The Beach? ue may be worse than getting waterboarded.
Foreshadowing bigger, better things to come, Snooki chows down on a raw potato for no reason other than the amusement of housemates and fans. Plus 4.
Deena wants Situation. Snooki thinks she knows how she can make that happen … by getting him into a threesome, then peacing out last minute. Minus 3.
Plus 16 for this gem from Mike, though: “Every guy dreams of having a threesome with two women, obviously. Maybe not with Deena and Snooki, but, um, I was going along with it only because it was a threesome.”
Snooki gets arrested
Plus 6 more for this addendum after Snooki bailed, leaving him with just Deena: “It’s like having chicken put on the table with salt and pepper, then somebody takes away the chicken and then you’re left with salt and pepper.”
Plus 5 more for Snooki making a bee-line for Vinny, then rejecting his rejection of her by begging for the Seabiscuit: “Stop caring and f%*k me!”The image seen above is JWoww relieving herself behind a bar at a club. Minus 10, because while we’ve all been there, that doesn’t make it less repulsive.
Sammi and Ronnie decide to part ways for a bit, and he hits the gym with Mike. Snooki hits the gym with Pauly, looking like a muppet in a trucker hat. Plus 5.REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni/Files
Ron: “I need a mind condom because I’m being mind-f@#ked.” Not to worry Ron … there’s not a lot going on up there. You can use that unprotected. Minus 7.
Sam actually apologizes to Snooki and Deena. Plus 6. We’re impressed, we have to admit, that she can swallow her pride for two of the three. Not JWoww.
Mike finishes way too many average thoughts with “Y’know what I mean?” Dude, we typically do. People can follow your train of thought, Socrates. Minus 8.
Deena: “I keep getting camel toe, I feel.” Girl, if you feel you have camel toe, you most likely have camel toe. Not a lot of examination to be done. Plus 4.
Sitch: “We just got chemistry, you know? And I’m not talking about the class.” No, really? We could have sworn he was. So disappointing. Minus 3.
Pauly: Seaside’s so beautiful! Look at the garbage! Plus 5.Why do they keep insisting that the gang goes to “work” at the t-shirt shop? Why pretend these aren’t stars and make them look even more shallow? Minus 9.
Plus 5 for the fact that Snooki openly drinks on the “job,” though.
They keep playing up this JWoww boyfriend angle. Why do we care about someone who’s not even on the show? Or her ex in Seaside, for that matter? Minus 7.
Pauly: “My prediction is somebody needs to carry her (Deena) out of the club tonight.” Wow, talk about a risky bet. What are the odds on that? Plus 5.
An MVP night ends with two of the three getting it in. We’re a little grossed out having just written that, but Minus only 3, because at least the guys had fun.
In the end, Snooki’s epic bender made the night. Every scene was a winner, building up to the climax (sorry). While the others get their hangover coffee on, Snook, still in the previous night’s clothes, has yet to stop drinking. Plus 9.
It gets better. The beach caught her eye, then she briefly lost sight of it (yes, lost sight of the OCEAN), then eventually made her way onto the sand, where she face-planted, told off some cops and was dragged to jail. Awesome. Plus 30.
Jersey Shore - MTV Shows
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