Let Sallie Mae manage your loansand you could be saving thousands off your student loan. The name of the game is to try to save as much as you can when you get a loan. If you are a student looking to borrow money Sallie Mae might be your best option. The Sallie Mae Smart Option Student Loan has seen some students could save an average of 20%-30% over traditional 15-year, payment-deferred private student loans, with affordable in-school payments and shorter repayment terms.
The Sallie Mae Fund, a charitable organization sponsored by Sallie Mae, achieves its mission to increase access to higher education for America’s students by supporting programs and initiatives that help open doors to higher education, prepare families for their college investment, and bridge the gap when no one else can.
In addition, The Sallie Mae Fund encourages employee volunteerism and community service in the communities where Sallie Mae employees live and work.
Then there’s the popular Sallie Mae 529 College Savings Plans which is one of the most popular ways for American families to save for their kids college education. The Upromise College Fund 529 Plan is a national plan that’s designed to help you save today for college tomorrow. It’s easy to start and flexible to use. With the Sallie Mae 529 Plan you can choose from Age-Based and Custom Portfolios. This is managed by The Vanguard Group, Inc. You can also chose a Savings Portfolio option managed by Sallie Mae Bank. You can start this for as little as $50 per month with an Automatic Investment Plan (AIP) or you can make an initial contribution of $250
This is the most important first step in your life or your child’s life and it is important that you make the right decisions when comes times to invests in a college education or when you are ready to take a student loan. Due diligence is the way to go and I hope that this article is a push in the right direction.
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